Conflict of Interest Disclosure


The Policy on Conflict of Interest for Commissioners, Evaluation Team Members, Consultants, Administrative Staff, and Other Commission Representatives (“Policy”) of the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) applies to Commissioners, peer review team members, consultants, vendors, employees, and all other Commission representatives. The Policy seeks to avoid conflicts of interest, potential conflicts of interest, or the appearance of a conflict of interest to ensure ACCJC decisions are based solely on the application of independent professional judgment. For purposes of the Policy, conflict of interest is defined as:

A circumstance in which an individual’s capacity to make an impartial and unbiased decision may be affected because of prior, current, or anticipated institutional/district/system affiliation or other significant relationship(s) with an accredited institution/district/system or with an institution seeking initial accreditation, candidacy, or reaffirmation of accreditation.

The following interactions with an institution/district/system have been determined to be of the type that constitute a conflict of interest or the appearance thereof, normally within the last five years:

a. current or prior employment at the institution/district/system being evaluated;
b. candidacy for employment at the institution/district/system being evaluated;
c. current or prior service as a paid consultant or other business relationship with the institution/district/system being evaluated;
d. written agreement with an institution/district/system that may create a conflict or the appearance of a conflict of interest with the institution/district/system;
e. personal or financial interest in the ownership or operation of the institution/district/system;
f. close personal or familial relationships with a member of the institution/district/system;
g. other personal or professional connections that would create either a conflict or the appearance of a conflict of interest; or
h. receipt of any remuneration, honoraria, honorary degrees, honors or other awards from the institution/district/system.

Each Commissioner, peer review team member, consultant, employee, and other Commission representative is asked to review the above linked Policy and disclose any current or potential conflicts to ACCJC on an annual basis using the Conflict of Interest Disclosure form, even if previously disclosed.

Please know that the information you provide will remain confidential and will only be used to maintain ACCJC records and compliance with federal regulations, and to manage appropriate recusals from related accreditation assignments and deliberations. If you have any questions about conflict of interest or how to handle confidential or sensitive information, or if you experience technical difficulties when completing this form, please contact