July 14, 2020


In the past week, Harvard University, MIT, states, and other colleges and universities took legal action against the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) directive to prohibit international students from remaining in the country if their colleges hold online-only courses in the fall. Yesterday, ACCJC was among the 70 associations of higher education who joined the American Council on Education’s (ACE) amicus brief, in support of the Harvard University and MIT lawsuit. International students’ participation and contributions to United States higher education should be protected as colleges and universities move forward during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Today, ACCJC is pleased to see that the Trump administration rescinded its directive. The government will now revert to the federal guidance issued in March, which allows international students to remain in the country, even if their courses are fully online.

ACCJC will continue to stay apprised on this issue and do what it can to advocate for our member institutions and all of the students they serve.