February 22, 2021 

This month, Senator Durbin and Senator Graham reintroduced the Dream Act of 2021, a bipartisan bill that would provide Dreamers with permanent resident status and a path to citizenship.

The Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges along with over 50 higher education associations signed on to a letter written by the American Council on Education in support of the Dream Act of 2021 and urging Congress to quickly pass this piece of legislation.

In the letter, supporters wrote:

The Dream Act would allow some undocumented young people, who have already invested in our country and in whom the country has already invested, to earn lawful permanent residence in the United States, and ultimately a path to full citizenship. Brought to our country as children, many of these outstanding young individuals do not even remember the country they came from and consider America to be their only home. Through no fault of their own, they have been left in a state of uncertainty for years and are unable to pursue their dreams and long-term goals in confidence and contribute more fully to our nation.”

To read the letter, click here.