March 3, 2021 

Students in the United States’ system of higher education continue to be impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Many are facing food insecurity, lack of childcare access, inadequate broadband connections, lost or reduced income, and more. In January, President Biden issued the Economic Relief Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic Executive Order directing federal agencies to better coordinate the various COVID-19 relief programs.

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) oversees the performance of federal agencies and administers the federal budget. Thus, OMB is uniquely positioned to meet the President’s directive. In support of students, the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges joined 30 organizations in signing on to a letter written by the Higher Learning Advocates encouraging the OMB to better coordinate COVID-19 relief programs. Specifically, the letter identifies ways in which the OMB could improve access to the Emergency Broadband Benefit for Pell students, the new Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, and two childcare access for student parents programs.

In the letter, supporters wrote:

Improving efficiency, effectiveness, and coordination can help to overcome potential dysfunctions in policy implementation and ensure that all students receive aid and access to means-tested benefits in a timely manner. Greater coordination can reduce costs for both the government and regulated entities not only by avoiding duplication of functions but also by increasing opportunities for agencies exercising related responsibilities to manage and reconcile differences in approach. Coordination that takes the form of interagency consultation can improve the overall quality of decision-making and will allow agencies to work with the urgency needed to respond to the ongoing crisis.”

To read the letter, click here.