2024-25 Strategic Initiative: Annual Report Monitoring

Annual Report Monitoring

ACCJC currently requires all member institutions to submit two annual monitoring reports, the Annual Fiscal Report (AFR) and Annual Report (AR) in alignment with the Commission Policy on Monitoring Institutional Performance. Both reports are migrated into dashboards to allow staff and the Commission to review individual institutions and aggregate ACCJC membership data. Dashboards are currently not available to the public.

The AFR captures key indicators of fiscal health and stability, including data related to enrollment, revenue, operating expenditures, long-term liabilities, and federal financial aid (if applicable). Member institution responses are analyzed and scored based on a Composite Financial Index (CFI). Initial scores are reviewed for level of health and then discussed with the Fiscal Advisory Group, consisting of two Commissioners, two Staff Members, and four Member Institution Representatives.

The AR currently captures data related to institutional strength, stability, and student achievement, including headcount and enrollment; program growth or decline; distance and correspondence education counts; direct assessment program information; certification exam pass rates and employment placement rates for career technical education programs; and the College Scorecard1 graduation rate. Currently, no additional analysis or scoring is conducted with data submitted by institutions. The AR does not require institutions to disaggregate data. In addition to data submitted by member institutions, ACCJC also imports Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)2 enrollment and graduation data by student ethnicity and gender, as well as aggregate retention and “transfer out” data3.

1 College Scorecard Graduation Rate is calculated with IPEDS Outcomes Measurement (OM) fields.
2 IPEDS is data collection system conducted by the US Department of Education for all schools participating in Federal Financial Aid.
3 Imported IPEDS disaggregated success data represents the graduation rate for the colleges’ first-time, full-time students at 150% of normal full-time completion duration.

Call to Action: Creating an Institutional Success Advisory Team, Developing a Rubric for Effective Institutional Outcome Transparency, and Enhancing Annual Monitoring Processes and Supports

Federal regulations require that ACCJC effectively apply monitoring and evaluation approaches that include collecting and analyzing key data and indicators, including measures of student achievement4.

In addition, ACCJC Standards require that member institutions have missions that articulate a commitment to ensuring equitable educational opportunities. Additionally, institutions must regularly review meaningfully disaggregated data to evaluate progress and inform innovation. The Standards further require that institutions regularly communicate internally and externally their progress toward achieving their mission and goals5.

To fulfill ACCJC’s regulatory requirements and facilitate the ongoing support and annual monitoring of its institutions, ACCJC is creating an Institutional Success Advisory Team. This Team will evaluate annual reporting criteria, analyze all members’ results, and identify and support underperforming institutions according to the finalized scoring criteria. The current Annual Report will be revised to capture institutional data more consistently and provide a mechanism for institutions to specifically demonstrate ongoing compliance with ACCJC Standards 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, and 2.9.

Revisions to the AR will include creating an opportunity for institutions to reflect and report on their disaggregated student success data and stories as part of the annual reporting process. Since the Standards allow for member institutions to disaggregate student achievement data in the context of the institutional mission, standard disaggregated success numeric reporting would not be possible. However, the Advisory Team may develop other mechanisms to capture disaggregated student achievement information.

The Team will also collaborate on developing a Rubric for Effective Institutional Outcome Transparency, whereby the institution will provide a self-score during the annual review process. The rubric will provide institutions with the opportunity to self-assess on outcome data transparency, with proposed categories on data type, location, provision of context, recency, and storytelling. The rubric will also incorporate Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) guidelines for data transparency.

The Institutional Success Advisory Team will serve in an advisory capacity throughout the development of the Annual Report Monitoring process.

Proposed factors for consideration that would aid the analysis and lead to monitoring would be refined in collaboration with the Advisory Team and presented to the Commission for approval in January 2025. Initial staff recommendations for elements of monitoring include:

  • Trends of institutional performance declining consistently over three years in any category
  • Greater than a three percent reduction in course success rates
  • Institution-set standards being lowered or stagnant institution-set standards when benchmarks are consistently exceeded
  • Single-year increase in distance education headcount enrollment of greater than 50 percent
  • Single-year increase in correspondence education headcount enrollment of greater than 50 percent
  • Below threshold college self-score on Rubric for Effective Institutional Outcome Transparency
  • Below threshold IPEDS student graduation and transfer-out rate, or a combination of the two: first-time, full-time
  • College Scorecard Graduation rate below 18 percent

If you would like to serve on the Institutional Success Advisory Team or participate in the development of the Rubric for Effective Institutional Outcome Transparency, please complete the following survey. Interested individuals will be contacted this summer by Vice President Melynie Schiel (mschiel@accjc.org) and opportunities for additional engagement from the field will be included on this webpage. For those interested in serving on the Institutional Success Advisory Team, please submit your survey by Friday, July 12.

4 34 CFR § 602.19 – Monitoring and reevaluation of accredited institutions and programs
5 ACCJC Standards 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 2.9, & Eligibility Requirements 11, 14, and 19.

Timeline: Annual Report Monitoring

Dates of CompletionMilestones and Mode of Engagement
July 2024Establish Institutional Success Advisory Team and set regular meeting dates
August 2024Review and discuss updates to the Annual Report Survey and a draft Rubric for Effective Institutional Outcome Transparency
September 2024Discuss the use of IPEDS fields in scoring and analysis and minimum benchmarks for measured outcomes
October 2024Review progress with Commission
November 2024Create and test scoring rubric
December 2024Complete proposed revision of Policy on Monitoring Institutional Performance and associated operational procedures and hold webinar for the broader membership to review progress and collect input
January 2025Present revised Annual Report, Rubric for Effective Institutional Outcome Transparency, Scoring/Monitoring Protocol, and Policy to Commission for approval
February 2025Hold Annual Report webinar with field to train on changes
March/April 2025Collect 2025 Annual Report and collect feedback for continuous improvement
May 2025Engage Institutional Success Advisory Team in new monitoring process